Lund and Bogota – Global Winners in WWF’s One Planet City Challenge 2022

Bogotá, Colombia and Lund, Sweden were the Global Winners of WWF’s One Planet City Challenge (OPCC) 2022.The global winners were assessed by a jury of urban experts from a diverse range of organizations – from C40, to the African Development Bank to ICLEI amongst others – chaired by Seth Schultz, CEO at Resilience Rising.  

The jury was particularly impressed by Bogotá’s ambitious climate action plan, including halving their business-as-usual emissions by 2030, and reaching net zero emissions by 2050. This plan includes actions in sectors that are difficult to impact, despite numerous challenges. Bogotá plays an influential role in leading the country’s approach to climate change and demonstrates to the rest of the world what cities can achieve with effort and commitment. 
In 2022, 280 cities participated from over 50 countries, and the aggregated emissions reductions from planned mitigation actions amounted to 246 million tons of CO2 equivalents which is approximately the annual emissions of a country like Spain. Lund and Bogotá were the frontrunners in their reported climate data of those 280 cities. 
“As highlighted in the recently released IPCC AR6 reports, cities play a key role in avoiding the most severe impacts of global warming,” said Marco Lambertini, Director General of WWF International. “Bogotá and Lund are two inspiring examples of how dedicated local governments from very different contexts can drive the transition toward more liveable and sustainable cities. For the world over, both cities are showing others what can be achieved!"

Lund was the highest scoring entry among the 280 cities reporting to WWF’s One Planet City Challenge 2022. It had a comprehensive and holistic approach to climate action planning and the city’s plan demonstrates strong political leadership, vision and impact. Its planned mitigation actions are effective, covering the most important sectors and its adaptation actions are both diverse and based on a strong climate change risk assessment. Furthermore, Lund reported a 50% emissions reduction target for 2020 (base year 1990) – which has been achieved. 
OPCC cities globally are showing the world what can be achieved in sustainability at a time when that goal has never been more critical. The OPCC Jury also commended the following cities, all of whom qualified to contend for the global title:

Bogotá, Colombia

Boulder, CO, USA

Bristol, UK

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dipolog, Philippines

Hua-Hin, Thailand

Izmir, Turkey

Iztapa, Guatemala

Jakarta, Indonesia

Johannesburg, South Africa

Lausanne, Switzerland

Lima, Peru

Lund, Sweden

Peñalolén, Chile

Quito, Ecuador

Rajkot, India

Seberang Perai, Malaysia

Tokyo, Japan

National winning cities 2022


This year's We Love Cities public engagement campaign will see participation from 63 OPCC finalists from over 30 countries - representing over 100 million citizens. 

Visit between 19 September - 31 October, 2022 to VOTE for your favorite city, SHARE what you love about it and TELL us how it can become an even more sustainable place for you to live and thrive in.

Read about the We Love Cities Campaign

The One Planet City Challenge jury is comprised of leading experts within the field of urban sustainablity from around the globe. With extensive local and regional knowledge jury members are uniquely qualified to evaluate the contribution of participating cities in achieving the goals set forth in the Paris Agreement. 


Join WWF’s One Planet City Challenge and inspire the world!

“Cities are where the battle for sustainable development will be won – or lost if we fail.” – Former UN Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson

Unchecked, climate change disruptions threaten to undo much of the economic and social progress achieved since the end of World War II.

Temperatures could rise 2 °C or even 3 °C by 2050. Aligning with the Paris Agreement and taking action to limit average temperature increases to 1.5°C or less is safer for people and the planet. And starting actions now is less costly than taking actions later. But there is absolutely no time to lose, and cities offer a place for all of us to start. By acting locally, we create global collaboration and leadership. WWF started the One Planet City Challenge in 2011. Won’t you join us?

We support cities and citizens in creating a climate-safe future.

We assess cities’ unique characteristics and aid local governments and city dwellers in their actions towards a future where temperature changes stay below 1.5 °C. We work with city stakeholders and strengthen communication and action at a local level.

Whether we are engaged citizens or work in urban design and development, we can all influence positive changes. Our voices and our participation are critical for positive change.

WWF's One Planet City Challenge (OPCC) is

  • A friendly competition to mobilize cities to deliver on the Paris Agreement.
  • We aim to support and celebrate 100 cities with action plans for keeping global average rise in temperature to below 1.5 °C. The world yearns for transformational leadership - we want to encourage cities to develop needed skills and strategies to achieve this.
  • OPCC is the largest and longest running competition of its kind. More than 400 cities on 5 continents have participated with at least one goal to reduce carbon emissions and increase climate resiliency.
  • Participants have already raised ambitions in global reporting initiatives by reporting more than 5,700 actions with a total of 3.9Gt GHG emissions reduction potential by 2050. 
  • The OPCC’s new, unique, and expert-verified methodology for verifying emissions reductions lets participating cities report emissions, goals and targets on standardized reporting platforms.
  • Participants’ data is then assessed and compared to the emission reduction trajectories recommended for their type of city in order to limit global warming to 1.5 °C or below.
  • This process guides cities to the most impactful actions they can take to cut emissions and align with 1.5°C target.
  • Ultimately the goal is for cities to develop best practice and to be more strategic, efficient and effective in their climate mitigation and adaptation plans.
  • The OPCC works in collaboration with city networks such as the Global Covenant of Mayors, ICLEI, C40 and CDP.


OPCC – How it works

  • The city decides to join! If you want your city to accept our Challenge, ask your city officials! You have influence, and your voice is important!
  • Let us know! If you don’t have a local WWF contact, send us an email and we will direct you to the right person
  • Cities report relevant data on global standardized city-data reporting platforms. WWF offers guidance.
  • Registration opens on 12 February and closes 10 July 2019.
  • Based on the data entered, cities are prescreened and shortlisted.
  • We select up to 3 finalist cities per country.
  • Finalists can participate in our renowned global public engagement campaign, We Love Cities, in spring 2020.
  • An international jury of urban sustainability experts selects national OPCC winners with the most ambitious and inspiring commitments and actions, based on reported data.
  • The jury selects one global OPCC winner.
  • Our winners are celebrated in a global award ceremony mid-2020.
  • All participating cities receive guidance from global experts on big-win impact reductions in line with 1.5 °C.



Victoria Olausson

Program Coordinator, One Planet City Challenge, WWF Cities

Barbara Evaeus

Global Communications Manager, One Planet City Challenge, WWF Cities