© Jason Houston / WWF-US

Take Action

You can make a difference

There are lots of ways you can get involved with WWF and take action for our planet. 


Whether you want to use your Voice for the Planet, campaign with us by signing one of our petitions, or are looking for activities to inspire your children to learn more about the natural world, we’ll be with you every step of the way. 


© WWF-US / Keith Arnold
Discover how you can get involved


Your voice can help shape the global treaty to end plastic pollution. Join us in voting to turn single-use into zero-use.

Kung Fu Panda 4

Explore an array of teaching materials raising awareness about the plight of the real wildlife depicted in the film.


Join our youth movement

Join our growing movement of young people committed to challenging the status quo and taking real action to protect nature.

© Michiel van den Bergh / WWF

Activities for children

Discover our great activities for children - from quizzes and videos, to crafts and educational resources, there’s something to inspire everyone to discover more about our natural world!


Discover more