Open letter to Ministers meeting in Copenhagen to chart the path to a successful outcome for COP29

Posted on March, 18 2024

Ministers and global climate leaders will meet on 21 and 22 March at the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial. Discussions will focus on implementation of the groundbreaking commitments from COP28, while charting a path for COP29’s key outcomes. WWF supports all efforts that seek to ensure a successful outcome at COP29, and has therefore issued the following open letter for the participants at the meeting.



The Copenhagen Ministerial has proven to be a key milestone for successful negotiations at the Bonn sessions and COPs. In the spirit of contribution, here are a few reflections on what we see as priorities for advancing the climate agenda in 2024 and delivering on the outcomes of the Global Stocktake.


Next NDC Cycle  - In the context of the UNFCCC, we have been talking about urgency and momentum for many years. After the first Global Stocktake, we are faced with a litmus test for the Paris Agreement in this critical decade.


The world can't afford another NDC cycle that does not respond to science, namely collectively reducing CO2 emissions by 43% in 2030 and 60% in 2035 compared to 2019 levels. In this sense, we welcome the launch of the Troika of Presidencies and the Roadmap to Mission 1.5 to significantly enhance international cooperation and the international enabling environment to stimulate ambition in the next round of NDCs. 


The Copenhagen meeting provides an opportunity for countries to start a list of tangible activities, initiatives, and partnerships, as laid out in the GST outcomes from Dubai. This must send a strong political signal for countries to launch their domestic processes for NDC review and enhancement, leading to the highest possible ambition.


Finance: It is imperative that the world agrees on a New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) for public finance that responds to the needs of developing countries, especially the most vulnerable ones.  This outcome can rebuild trust between countries for a strong second round of new and enhanced NDCs that will keep us on a pathway to no more than 1.5°C global warming. 


A finance package from COP29 should also include scaling up contributions for the Loss and Damage Fund, and the doubling adaptation finance. It must also make finance flows consistent with low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development, as per the Paris Agreement’s article 2.1.c.


Energy Transition - The main achievement of the UAE Consensus is the first step towards the end of the fossil fuel era. But much remains to be done. It is crucial that Ministers advance discussions and exchange on how to fulfil the Global Stocktake recommendations. This should be on, among others, tripling renewable energy capacity globally and doubling the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030; and accelerating efforts towards the phase-down of unabated coal power. 


We think it should also include accelerating efforts globally towards net-zero emission energy systems; transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems; accelerating zero- and low-emission technologies; accelerating and substantially reducing non-carbon-dioxide emissions globally and phasing-out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies. 


These discussions must link such recommendations to NDCs and the New Collective Quantified Goal for public finance.


Manuel Pulgar-Vidal

WWF Global Lead Climate and Energy

COP20 President

Former Minister of Environment, Peru 

Copenhagen's harbour.
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