Kwale Forest Landscape Restoration Project

This project aims to put in place a participatory system for conservation of the biodiversity and cultural values of the Kwale Forests. In the process, sustainable social and economic developments for the surrounding communities will be elaborated and implemented. This involves forest management for improved conservation of globally-threatened species in three forest landscapes in Kwale District.

Good Woods component of the Eastern Africa Coastal Forests Ecoregion Programme

The ‘Good Woods’ initiative was started in July 2002 by WWF /People and Plants Initiative (PPI) with the long term goal of conserving critical forest habitats in Kenya. It put in place an incentive to enable wood carvers to shift reliance from traditionally preferred indigenous hardwoods species, particularly Mpingo (African black wood) and Muhuhu (Mahogany), to farm grown tree species. The reliance on indigenous tree species had led degradation of East African forests.

Matumbi Hills Forest Landscape Restoration Project

The Matumbi/Kichi Hills contain significant areas of lowland coastal forest and support concentrations of locally endemic and red-listed plants and animals. These forests are also linked to the south to the Selous Game Reserve and also act as refuges for populations of large savanna woodland mammals.  This project seeks to capitalise on previous WWF and IUCN investment into the area through completing the process of declaration of proposed forest reserves containing significant biodiversity values, and by working with local communities will also identify smaller remaining patches of forest that could be conserved within Village Forest Reserves.

Chirenzene Forest Landscape Restoration Project

Chirinzene sacred forest, which is located in Chicumbane Administrative Post, in Xai-Xai District, in Gaza province, covering around 300 ha, is the most well-known sacred forest in has been effectively preserved with involvement of the traditional authorities. This project will focus in capacity building of the local communities and sharing experiences in some of the key areas for sustainable management of natural resources with involvement of local communities.

Mlola Forest Landscape Restoration Project

Mlola Forest Reserve covers a narrow strip of land on the eastern side of Mafia Island. This Island lies off the coast of mainland East Africa, approximately 120 km south of Dare es salaam, 20 km offshore from the Rufiji Delta and 850 km south of the equator. Mlola Forest Reserve covers 125.2 ha and is partly included within Mafia Island Marine Park. Clearance for farming is the major threat in Mlola forest reserve. Gazettement of Village Forest Reserves and the promotion of income generating activites such as beekeeping and tree nursery establishment for the communities will constitute initial engagement in Mlola.

Zaraninge Forest Landscape Restoration Project

The whole of the former Zaraninge Forest Reserve has been included in the newly established Saadani National Park (TANAPA since 2005). The TANAPA area also includes areas that were formerly the Sadaani Game Reserve, the Mkwaja ranch, and a 5,000 ha section of the ocean. Zaraninge forest is situated on the eastern part of the Tanzania Mainland, within the Indian Ocean coastal belt, where the weather is generally hot. Although the Saadani National Park has been established, forest encroachment issues can not be predicted because there are some villages closer to the park boundary. People from these villages cultivate right up to the Park boundary and may even extend inside. Raising awareness on management of Village Forest Reserves (VFR’s) forms the entry point for engagement of the forest adjacent communities.