The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Our City 2030 is part of WWF’s efforts to endorse sustainable cities, support learning and participation and reduce the Ecological footprint on our planet. The project focuses on strengthening youth capacity to engage on issues of climate change, education for sustainable development and disaster risk management. The project has been implemented in collaboration with PLAN International in Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia and the Philippines.
"When youth are given opportunities, resources, and a platform to speak, they give unexpected results"
"Youth involved had an understanding on 1.5C global warming, climate change, environmental protection, disaster risk reduction, and its relevance to their future"
"Inclusion of not only stakeholders but teachers, pupils, communities and local government in climate smart activities"
"Integrating climate change and sustainable development into school learning is very important for daily school operations"
Our City 2030 guides students and local stake holders towards a deeper understanding of future challenges and the role of cities, and strengthens preparedness at the local level. In includes capacity building, engagement of youth and commitment of city authorities towards developing 1.5°C trajectories.
Capacity building through awareness raising and trainings
Youth networking forums
Multi-stakeholder engagements
Documentation and dissemination of best practices and successes.

A climate safe future

Urbanization a global megatrend

One Planet City Challenge

Youth engagement
Susie Broquist Lundegård
Senior advisor and project manager