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WWF's Palm Oil Buyers Scorecard assesses manufacturers, retailers, food service and hospitality companies on their commitments and actions in favour of sustainable palm oil, helping to build a culture of transparency around palm oil use.
The Scorecards aim to:
hold up a mirror to major palm oil buyers, setting a baseline level of performance to measure their improvements on sustainable palm oil sourcing over the coming years;
build awareness of sustainable palm oil among companies, and demonstrate that companies can be part of the solution;
show palm oil producers around the world that there is a mainstream and growing market for sustainably produced palm oil.
WWF’s latest Palm Oil Buyers Scorecard (2021) assessed the progress and performance of 227 major companies from across the globe on key actions they can and should be taking to show their commitment and support for a sustainable palm oil industry. While there has been progress since the first scorecard was launched in 2009, much also remains the same: more than a decade on, corporate efforts still fall drastically short of what is needed to counteract the ongoing damage to our world’s most vital forests and natural ecosystems.