WWF Sustainable Finance at COP15

Posted on December, 05 2022

Join WWF at COP15 for a series of four events on unlocking private finance that delivers on net-zero, nature-positive goals
  • Together, we'll explore why and how we need to mobilise finance at scale to deliver on global nature and climate goals.

  • In particular, world leaders in Montreal must agree a overarching nature-positive goal, set clear metrics, and as per Article 2.1(c) in the Paris Agreement, require private finance to align with that goal.

  • Read about WWF's overall expectations for COP15 here, including those specifically on finance, and find more details about our COP15 finance events below, or in the timeline infographic (with links) for download here.


Aligning Financial Flows with Nature

December 12, 13:30 - 14:30 EST, Nature Positive Pavilion

Solutions and tools to finance a Nature Positive Economy. Co-organized with NatureFinance. More details here.

Integrating Nature & Climate Frameworks to Unlock Private Finance

December 14, 12:00 - 13:00 EST, Nature Positive Pavilion

Unlocking private finance for nature by considering nature alongside net zero in policy frameworks through private sector net zero transition planning. Please find the event invitation with more detail here, and our associated report, co-produced with Aviva, here (from Dec 14th).

When Finance Talks Nature

December 14, 13:30 - 14:30 EST, Nature Positive Pavilion

Stocktake of nature-related investments and risk management frameworks with a focus on taxonomy-based investment frameworks and scenario analysis for forward-looking financial risk management frameworks. Read the report here.

Aligning Financial Flows for an Ecological Civilization - how to speed up momentum

December 16, 18:15 - 19:15 EST, Official side event 2, 512F

In this last high-level event, as delegates at COP15 enter the final phase of negotiations, we will focus on the role of finance in delivering the new Global Biodiversity Framework and delivering a nature-positive economy, and explore what needs to come out of COP15 to unlock the level of private investment that will drive a nature-positive transition. Ideally, we'll see parties agree a clear nature-positive goal and metrics, together with clear finance alignment targets, that signal what is required from the financial sector. We will also explore existing tools and transition planning approaches that will help galvanize support for financing nature-positive solutions and integrating nature into emerging net zero policy and regulatory frameworks.

Please join us! Livestream: https://cbd.interactio.com/nxlr-wul7-1fez

Visit the official COP15 site here

Find out more about all WWF's activities at COP15 here, and please reach out to finance@wwfint.org if you would like more information on any of the above.