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Over 80% of the world’s energy is produced by burning coal, oil and gas. Fossil fuels release billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide and are the biggest driver of climate change. But change is underway: a renewable energy revolution has begun. To meet the challenge of climate change the world will need to do everything possible to accelerate it.
Renewable energy generated from natural resources such as wind and solar is increasingly cheaper than fossil fuels and can provide millions of greener jobs. Energy efficiency can also have a huge impact - by some estimates, the right efficiency policies could help achieve 40% of the emissions cuts needed to reach global climate goals, while generating job opportunities and saving money that can be invested in renewables.
WWF works to initiate, accelerate, and sustain the transition to efficient, renewable, and sustainable energy systems all over the world. To achieve these goals we work to redirect investment towards renewable energy, to demonstrate renewable and energy efficiency solutions in practice, to help communities and businesses access renewable energy, and to ensure sustainability and fairness of the transition.
The Global Energy Policy Framework details WWF’s focus for energy stakeholders worldwide. We hope this Framework inspires and enables leaders around the world to act boldly and rapidly. We offer our unwavering support at the international level, and in all the countries where we work, to make this transformation a reality.
All infrastructure has some environmental impact, and ensuring a fast and sustainable transition means choosing sites, and designs for renewable energy systems that minimize impact on wildlife habitats and biodiversity.

Despite the global boom in renewable energy, many new coal-fired power plants are planned or under construction, particularly in fast-growing Asia.
WWF’s REpowering Asia initiative focuses on redirecting the finance currently flowing from China and South Korea to the countries of Southeast Asia, advocating for investment in renewables instead of coal.
Increasing attention is being paid to the role of hydrogen in the transition to a sustainable energy system. Hydrogen can replace fossil fuels in heavy industries and in some large vehicles. WWF promotes the production and use of hydrogen by advocating for its production using only renewable electricity.
Investing in fossil fuels is a bad idea
USD 12 trillion in fossil fuel investments that have already been made may end up stranded by 2050.
Source: IRENA Global Renewables Outlook 2020
WWF is working to increase the adoption of more efficient systems in energy-intensive areas such as heating and cooling, manufacturing and food production.
Related Resources
- WWF Case Studies: Energy Efficiency in Action
- All Fact Sheets: Energy Efficiency Series
- Fact Sheet: Urban Planning to Reduce Climate Impact
- Fact Sheet: Efficient Building Envelopes to Reduce Emissions
- Fact Sheet: Green Procurement to Speed Efficiency
- Fact Sheet: Awareness will Prompt People to Act
- WWF UK Report: Better Homes, Cooler Planet
Case Studies: Energy Efficiency in Action

The growing need for cooling globally threatens to be a major driver of increased greenhouse gas emissions, but efficient and climate-friendly solutions exist. At the same time, the solar power revolution means that the same buildings that need cooling solutions can also generate their own renewable power.
WWF’s ‘Cool & Solar’ initiative works to drive a shift to solar energy and more energy-efficient cooling technology. By combining the power of rooftop solar with cooling solutions, WWF is working to ensure we can keep our homes, businesses and cities cool without contributing to global warming.
WWF works to ensure that sustainable, affordable energy is available to those who need it most.
Related Resources
- Fact Sheet: Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development in Madagascar
- Report: In the Light of Rural Malagasy Women: Five years of learning with Barefoot College's "Women Solar Engineers"
- Article: Solutions for a sustainable fuelwood energy sector in Madagascar
- Video: The Grandmas Leading Africa's Solar Revolution

More than 100 million African households lack access to modern and clean electricity services, while 900 million people lack access to clean energy for cooking. Energy access is both a development and climate priority, as biomass cooking-induced deforestation is a major driver of greenhouse gas emissions.
WWF focuses on catalyzing innovation and investment in off-grid renewable electricity systems, clean cooking solutions and energy for productive use in Africa particularly in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Madagascar and Zambia.
WWF is working to integrate concepts of social justice and equity in the energy transition.