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The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Modified: Jun 2011 - Started: May 2011
African Rift Lakes Programme
The African Rift Lakes (ARL) Programme consolidates and integrates experiences and lessons gained through a number of ongoing and well-established pro...
Modified: Oct 2010 - Started: Sep 2010
Evolving CBNRM in Kenya
The African elephant and the black rhino are both flagship species which face numerous threats and challenges, including poaching, habitat loss and de...
Clean Energy Project
Climate Innovations and Entrepreneurship in Uganda
CEA NI Sustainable Timber Trade in the Coastal East Africa – Kenya
Modified: Jul 2010 - Started: Aug 2000
Lake Naivasha - Malewa River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) Programme
Lake Naivasha is the only inland freshwater lake of economic importance in Kenya. Apart from being a vital source of water in a seemingly semi-arid en...
Modified: Jun 2010 - Started: Jan 2010
Boni-Dondori Sustainable Forest Management
The project aims to ensure the sustainable conservation of the forest landscape covered by Boni and Dodori national reserves and the Lunghi and Boni F...
Modified: May 2010 - Started: Jan 2010
African Network on Poverty and Conservation
The African Network on Poverty and Conservation is a three year project to support the integration of livelihood issues into conservation programmes i...
Modified: Apr 2010 - Started: Jan 2008
Semuliki River Catchment and Water Resources Management
The project aims to establish a mechanism for integrated water resources management for at least 3 sub-catchments feeding the Semuliki River by the en...
Modified: Apr 2010 - Started: Jan 2003
Managing the Mara River in Kenya and Tanzania
The Mara River runs through the Masai Mara Game Reserve on the Kenyan side and the Serengeti National Park on the Tanzanian side, and eventually flows...