Programme on Protected Areas and Support to ARPA

Geographical location:

Latin America/Caribbean > South America > Brazil


The Amazon contains the world's largest rainforest. Around half of the planets's remaining tropical rainforests are found in the Amazon and at least 10% of the world's known species.

This project aims to support the execution of the Amazon Region Protected Areas Programme (ARPA). The programme, set up by a range of stakeholders including WWF, aims to create and support a system of well-managed protected areas and sustainable natural resource management reserves over a 10-year period to protect the Amazon region.


ARPA is a federal government initiative created in 2002.

It aims to implement a network of protected areas for the conservation of an ecologically representative sample of the biological diversity present in the different landscapes of the Brazilian Amazon.

Over 10 years, ARPA will bring a total of 50 million ha under effective protection.


- Improve the methodology for the identification of priority areas for conservation adopted by ARPA.

- Complete studies upon which to base proposals for the creation of new protected areas.

- Capacity building of local government environmental officers and NGOs at the Amazon.

- Lobby for the creation of new protected areas.

- Support public consultations within the process of creating new protected areas.

- Elaborate protected areas management plans.

- Support planning for the administration of mosaics of protected areas and conservation corridors.

- Support the formation, functioning and invigoration of protected area management councils.

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