Agriculture and Environment Programme

Geographical location:

Latin America/Caribbean > South America > Brazil


This programme works closely with the agriculture productive sector in Brazil, sharing information and promoting solutions for environmental conservation.

The programme foments better environmental agriculture practices like zero tillage, use of abandoned and degraded land for crops, livestock rotations, organic agriculture, and chemical use reduction within the sector. The activities are also aimed to the market, where the industries, the financial sector and traders are approached with the objective of creating a stronger demand for sustainable and more responsible products.

The first worldwide initiative was related to soy production. In March 2005, together with different soy chain players, the Roundtable on Sustainable Soy was launched and the agriculture programme promoted workshops and discussions related to the process.


Foment the development of an agriculture and cattle production that:
- Prioritize environmental conservation.
- Valorize social questions.
- Are economically viable.

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