Archive Content

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WWF has been supporting projects in Bolivia since 1970. In 1993 it established an office in Santa Cruz de la Sierra which supports and directs its conservation work in the Pantanal and Amazon Basin. WWF Bolivia has two field offices: in Trinidad (Amazon) and Puerto Quijarro (Pantanal). Currently WWF's program office in Bolivia carries out 3 programs: Pantanal, Southwest Amazon and Forests.

Founded: 1993

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Av. Beni Calle Los Pitones No. 2070 Santa Cruz - Bolivia

Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

+591 3 3430609

+591 3 31150 42

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En Bolivia, los derechos de la Madre Tierra - Pachamama - están consagrados en la ley. Los bosques ...

11 May 2018

“El día viernes 4 de mayo de 2018 en oficinas de la Secretaría Municipal de Medio Ambiente del ...

24 May 2017

El 22 de mayo celebramos el Día Mundial de la Biodiversidad.

05 May 2016

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30 Nov 2015

Official Announcement of the Declaration on Protected Areas and Climate Change - Press Conference

15 Jun 2015

Delegates from around the world are now together in Bonn, Germany, at a meeting of the UN Framework ...

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14 Jan 2014

The invisibility of soy on supermarket shelves masks the major contribution that it makes to ...

04 Feb 2013

To mark the annual World Wetlands Day, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International ...

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WWF bolivia