Kenya: Short Way to Go

On December 24, 2020, Kenya submitted an updated NDC to the UNFCCC. 

Kenya has enhanced its mitigation target from a GHG emissions reduction of 30% to 32% by 2030, relative to the BAU scenario of 143 MtCO2eq. The NDC presents clear adaptation measures and highlights the importance of Nature-based solutions (NbS). Kenya has estimated the total costs for the implementation of the NDC at USD 62 billion up to 2030 and commits to fund up to 13% of such costs. A participatory process is also described.

According to the checklist for the NDCs We Want and taking into account that Kenya is a highly vulnerable, lower middle economy with low GHG emissions, we see improvements from its 2015 NDC. Therefore, we consider that the 2020 NDC has a Short Way to go to become the NDC We Want.