© WWF-Azerbaijan
The UN climate change conference, COP29, will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from 11-24 November 2024.
We have lived through the warmest year in recorded history in 2023. Without swift cuts to emissions, we will overshoot the Paris Agreement's long term 1.5°C threshold in the next decade, and then face the even greater challenge and cost of bringing temperatures back down to below that level.

Preventing every additional increment of warming matters now for people and nature. The more temperatures rise, the more extreme the impacts of climate change will be, and the higher the risk of tipping points and irreversible impacts to ecosystems and people’s lives and livelihoods. 

We need to urgently scale up efforts to help people and nature adapt to a warming world and to implement climate solutions - which are already available across all sectors and can more than halve emissions by 2030. 

Finance is key. The IPCC AR6 Report shows that we need to increase finance 3 to 6 times by 2030 to limit warming to below 1.5°C. Countries must significantly scale up finance now and work towards agreeing an ambitious new climate finance target at COP29.
Essential outcomes needed at COP29: WWF COP29 Expectations

Financing our future; unleashing climate action

  • Agreement on a new finance goal to deliver on 1.5oC compatible plans and address impacts.
  • Demonstrable progress towards new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that limit warming to 1.5oC, and ensures a just and equitable transition away from fossil fuels.
  • New finance pledges/commitments from countries, especially for adaptation and loss and damage, and delivery of past commitments and pledges.
  • Political signals of growing international cooperation, confronting climate change as a top priority.
  • Creation of a Climate and Nature Workstream to implement previous decisions and promote alignment with the Global Biodiversity Framework.

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Climate and Energy Policy Manifesto 2024

Turning the tide on tipping points: Aiming higher, doing more and exploring synergetic solutions

  • We call on leaders to phase out fossil fuels, and move to 100% renewables.
  • We urge leaders to transform sectors and systems in this critical decade.
  • We call on leaders to deliver climate justice for those most affected by climate change, especially through new and additional finance.
  • We call on leaders to integrate nature in national climate plans.
  • We call on non-State actors to develop sound net-zero plans, and on the private sector to transform their value chains.

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Catch-Up on COP28
Wondering what happened at the previous UN climate talks in Dubai?

After days of intense negotiations, a landmark agreement emerged from the UN climate summit in Dubai in 2023, marking a significant step towards addressing the climate crisis and signalling the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era. 

So what exactly happened? 

See our COP28 summary for our key takeaways

Visit our COP28 events archive

The WWF Pavilion at COP28 hosted a wide array of events on topics ranging from the much-needed phase-out of fossil fuels to food systems, finance, forests and nature-based solutions.

Watch the recordings

News and Press Enquiries

WWF has a number of experts available to provide commentary in multiple languages on topics ranging from what needs to happen at COP29 to deliver the energy transition and how to address the dual climate and nature crises.

To set up an interview with one of our experts, contact news@wwfint.org