The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
- WWF Global
- Adria
- Argentina
- Armenia
- AsiaPacific
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belgium
- Bhutan
- Bolivia
- Borneo
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- Cambodia
- Cameroon
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- Caucasus
- Central African Republic
- Central America
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Croatia
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denmark
- Ecuador
- European Policy Office
- Finland
Many of the decisions that affect our ocean’s health are made far from any coastline.
WWF engages in policy advocacy to give the ocean and those who depend on it a “seat at the table” when important decisions are made.
© WWF-Pacific/Tom Vierus
An inclusive and just approach
WWF's global presence allows us to influence policy outcomes at national, regional and global levels. Our experts, partnerships and experience make us a trusted, credible voice when calling for measures to to protect and restore habitats, tackle overfishing, recover species and reduce pollution.WWF highlights the need for and benefits of including strong provisions for ocean health across global agreements and frameworks that take into account climate change, sustainable development, marine and coastal biodiversity, and the communities that are dependent upon healthy ocean ecosystems.
Our current global policy priorities are:
- Implementation of ocean-related elements of the Global Biodiversity Framework
- Timely ratification and effective implementation of the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement
- Timely ratification and effective implementation of the UN High Seas Treaty
- Negotiation of a robust UN Plastics Treaty consistent with our key policy priorities
- Advancing ocean-climate action through the UNFCCC and national climate plans
- Adoption of a moratorium on deep seabed mining by the International Seabed Authority
See below some resouces on these priority issues.
Resources on the High Seas Treaty (BBNJ)
Resources on the Ocean-Climate Nexus
WWF COP28 Ocean Climate Expectations
PDF 1.02 MBBlueprint for a Living Planet
PDF 5.40 MBUnpacking the UNFCCC Global Stocktake for Ocean-Climate Action
PDF 4.67 MBOptions for Strengthening Action on the Ocean and Coasts under the UNFCCC, June 2022
PDF 1.59 MBCoastal and Marine Ecosystems as Nature-Based Solutions in New or Updated Nationally Determined Contributions, October 2021
PDF 9.15 MB