Archive Content

Please note: This page has been archived and its content may no longer be up-to-date. This version of the page will remain live for reference purposes as we work to update the content across our website.

About me...

I got my degree in Zoology from the University of Aberdeen in June 2004 and since then I have not looked back. After becoming a Scuba Divemaster in Egypt, I went out to Bermuda to work for a year and while out there I did a lot of volunteer work for Bermuda Aquarium and Zoo and in particular their green sea turtle tagging projects which they carry out for about 3 months of the year. While out there I was very interested in getting back into terrestrial conservation and I was very excited about the opportunity to go out to India with WWF.
I have always dreamed of travelling to India because of its amazing culture and incredible wildlife and scenery. 
The experience I had in India was life changing. I met some incredible people that I will never forget who inspired me to work harder and be a better conservationist. I saw things and places and had experiences that I had only dreamed about, or I did not think were possible. Ultimately it was a life changing experience and a big success.
While out in India I kept a journal of all my experiences by writing four articles of everything I experienced and how I felt throughout my time in India. I have put them up on this website for you to have a read, so I hope you enjoy reading about my WWF placement as much as I enjoyed participating in it.

Contact Me!

If you would like to have a chat about the volunteering experience my e-mail is: