© WWF-Pacific / Tom Vierus

Our conservation successes

From supporting the efforts of Indigenous communities in Bolivia against forest fires through to tackling human-wildlife conflict on the Thailand-Myanmar border, discover some of WWF’s key success stories from around the world.

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Will wildlife save us?

From the awe-inspiring blue whale to the humble honeybee, wild species are not just fascinating creatures, they play a vital role in our very survival. WWF’s Wendy Elliott showcases several inspiring success stories of saving species that benefit humanity.

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© Antonio LIÉBANA

© WWF / Shutterstock

End plastic pollution

Plastic pollution is suffocating our rivers and oceans, killing wildlife and contaminating our food, air and water. Your voice can help shape the global treaty to end plastic pollution. Join us in voting to turn single-use into zero-use.

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© Naturepl.com / Roland Seitre / WWF

© Jonathan Caramanus / Green Renaissance / WWF-UK

Our Ambition

The world has changed.

Wildlife has halved in less than a generation. Natural habitats are being put under increasing pressure. And climate change is leading us into uncharted territory.

But people have changed too.

They’re more aware of the threat to essentials like food, water and clean air. They’re more ambitious, more innovative. And they’re backed by a growing number of corporations.

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