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WWF –Zimbabwe participates at World Forestry congress

Posted on September, 08 2015

The World Forestry Congress (WFC) was held in Durban, South Africa this year between the 7-11 September. 2015. It is an important forum for global forestry leaders to exchange views and experiences and to formulate recommendations to be implemented at the national, regional and global levels.
WWF-Zimbabwe Country Director, Dr Enos Shumba presented at the Congress along with other speakers from Africa. His presentation examined the African perspective for building resilience of different forest ecosystems to withstand economic, environmental and social shocks through forest management. Dr Shumba highlighted the opportunities for enhancing Miombo woodland ecosystem resilience through participatory forest management referring to environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of forests for the benefit of present and future generations. He also stressed the need for the prerequisites to make it possible, from active participation of local communities and stakeholders and provision of adequate economic incentives, to the existence of enabling governance and institutional frameworks and their enforcement at various levels, as well as functional cross sector coordination and respect for integrated land use planning and its implementation.
Zimbabwe is losing approximately 330 000 hectares of natural forests and woodlands per year this is mainly due to the countries 70% dependence on biomass for energy needs. 
Dr Shumba presenting at World Forestry Congress
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