Developing regional minimum terms and conditions for granting tuna fishing acccess in the Western Indian Ocean
Posted on May, 22 2013
This Report provides draft Regional Minimum Terms and Conditions (MT&C) for granting tuna fishing access in the Western Indian Ocean as requested by WWF-‐Coastal East Africa Global Initiative (Agreement No CN63). The WIO States addressed in the report are: Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros, Madagascar and South Africa.
This document serves as the report for the WWF-‐Coastal East Africa Global Initiative consultancy on ‘Developing Regional Minimum Terms and Conditions (MT & Cs) for granting tuna fishing access in the Western Indian Ocean,' (Agreement No CN63), designed to:(i) Contribute to a sound and coordinated tuna management in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO)
(ii) Empower the WIO coastal and Island States to engage with Distant Water Fishing Nations (DWFNs) in order to develop and secure far greater economic returns from the tuna resources within their jurisdiction, while ensuring their sustainability.
The focal States for the implementation of this contract are; Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros, Madagascar and South Africa. The consultancy was initiated on 1st August 2012, and completed on 28th September 2012.