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WWFolio Bolivia Nr. 18 - entirely digital bulletin

Posted on August, 11 2009

This is WWFolio Bolivia's first edition published only digitally, in efforts to reduce our footprint, save paper, ink and mailing expenses. We invite you to read about our ongoing projects, share this bulletin with your contacts, or subscribe to it sending an email to
This is WWFolio Bolivia's first edition published only digitally, in efforts to reduce our footprint, save paper, ink and mailing expenses. We invite you to read about our ongoing projects, share this bulletin with your contacts, or subscribe to it sending an email to

In this edition you can read about:

  • Pando and its forests of hope
  • Chichi the Cricket in the Pantanal
  • Municipal environmental management: Towards land use planning in Puerto Quijarro
  • With everybody’s participation, a place in the Amazon is being preserved
  • ABC News visits Bella Vista, Beni: In search of the Bolivian river dolphin
  • Hydroelectric dams in the Amazon
  • Successful conclusion of GFTN 2009 Forest Product Business Mission
  • Illegal wood will be excluded from EU markets, along with the US
  • The Municipal Government of La Paz adopts Responsible Purchase Policy for wood products 
  • Upcoming inauguration of the Certified Forest Walkway
  • Transparent accounting for Community Based Forest Enterprises
  • International Day for the Conservation of Tropical Forests
  • LIVING PUBLICATIONS: Guide for the Step Wise Approach to Certification (SAGC) 
  • LIVING PUBLICATIONS: 2008 II International Sculptors’ Workshop with FSC Certified Wood
  • connect2earth allows young adults and renowned environmental experts to debate environmental issues
  • LIVING PUBLICATIONS: WWF Bolivia 2008 Annual Report
WWFolio Bolivia 18
© Fuentes Audiovisuales / WWF Bolivia
© WWF Bolivia