GFTN FY12 Annual Report
Posted on November, 30 2012
GFTN's FY12 Annual Report reflects upon the achievements of the programme and successes of GFTN's participants.
The past year has been a tough one for all who rely on and strive to achieve responsible forest management. Yet the enduring level of commitment by participants in WWF's Global Forest & Trade Network, the unwavering support of our many donors and partners, and the technical knowledge, enthusiasm and passion of GFTN's staff have combined to continue to drive change in the market. Over the past year, a great deal of time has been invested in assessing WWF/GFTN's performance and the efficacy of our strategy. As the GFTN programme moves into its third decade, we will take all the lessons learned from previous experiences to ensure that the industries we engage with are not at the bleeding edge, but at the vanguard of the new mainstream way of working.
GFTN's 2012 Annual Report reflects upon the achievements of the programme, and illustrates the diversity of work that we do across the globe with communities, companies and forest managers to ensure that we continue to have living forests for generations to come.
Major highlights:
Year in Review
GFTN, its partners and its participants continued to make a mark in the industry, from devising innovative schemes to save the orangutans' habitat in Indonesia to introducing new FSC labelled products in the US and UK.
Transforming Markets
GFTN participants are leading the way in raising consumer awareness of credible certification schemes in Europe.
Protecting Biodiversity
WWF/GFTN is working actively in the Heart of Borneo and finding innovative ways to help companies strike a balance between economic gain and conservation.
Developing Sustainable Livelihoods
Supporting community-based forest management in Latin America is fundamental to preserving forests and the livelihoods of the people who depend on them.
Promoting Credible Certification
With increasing global demand for resources, there is rising fear that many of the world's untouched forests in Congo Basin will fall prey to illegal logging. WWF/GFTN is forging strategic partnerships and providing support to companies to halt destructive practices.
Building Market Links
WWF/GFTN forged key partnerships in North America to promote responsible forest management and trade.