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Save Trchkan Waterfall

Trchkan Waterfall © WWF
“Let’s Save Trchkan Waterfall” civil initiative was formed to prevent from constructing hydropower plant nearby the waterfall on Chichkhan river.

Trchkan waterfall, which is in the list of natural monuments approved by the RA Government, is located on the right bank of Chichkan River’s Trchkan tributary in Lori Marz on the 1786 m above sea level. The height of water splashes reaches 20-22 m, and the width of falling waters is 3-4 m. Waterfall’s area is composed of sand stones, lime-stones, and tuff conglomerates of the Eocene age. This unique natural monument must be protected for present and future generations.

“Let’s Save Trchkan Waterfall” civil initiative was formed to prevent from constructing hydro-electric station nearby the waterfall on Chichkhan river. A camp was set-up to protect the nature monument and eventually the construction was stopped and the technical equipment was removed. National Assembly held hearings on this issue and soon the Government RA adopted a decision on the Trchkan Waterfall. A specially protected territory regime was introduced in the territory of the waterfall.

The campaign was also supported by WWF Armenia in providing transport, technical and financial assistance (e.g. equipment, tents, etc.) to the activists of the environmental campaign.