© Nasa

WWF Gifts to the Earth

Earth Nasa
© David Lawson/WWF-UK
Fact Sheets

Denmark - Global Leader on Climate and Energy 2013

GTTE Denmark © WWF
Denmark's golbal leadership on ambitious achievments and commitments on climate and energy policies. Fact Sheet

Prince Edwards Islands Marine Protected Area 2013

GTTE South Africa © WWF
Protection of critical ecosystems through the proclamation of the Prince Edward Islands Marine Protected Area covering 180,000 km2, South Africa's first offshore MPA and one of the world's largest. Fact Sheet

Canada Parks 2011

GTTE Canada © WWF
Creation of new, internationnally significant protected areas and the reintroduction of species at risk into their natural habitats. Fact Sheet

Plans for Protection of Antarctic Seas 2010

World's first High seas MPA and committment to establish a MPA network in the Southern Ocean by 2012. Fact Sheet

High Seas Marine Protected Areas 2010

GTTE Ospar © WWF
High seas marine protected areas are an important tool for protecting the rich and often vulnerable biodiversity of the 70% of our ocens that lie beyond national jurisdiction. Fact Sheet

Great Bear Rainforest 2006

GTTE Canada © WWF
After many efforts a landmark conservation decision was reached in the Great Bear Rainforest. Fact Sheet

China preserves Giant Panda 2006

GTTE China Panda © WWF
Sichuan and Gansu Provinces join efforts to preserve the giant panda and its habitat in the Minshan landscape. Fact Sheet

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park 2005

In the Great Barrier Reef, larger fish inside no-take areas produce disproportionately more eggs and larvae than in areas that are fished. Besides their contribution to sustaining fisheries, no-take areas can also improve habitat quality, protect ecosystem structure and function, and maintain ecosystem goods and services. © WWF
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park zoning plan increased the proportion of marine sanctuaries from less than 5% to more than 33% of the Marine Park. Fact Sheet

China Protected Areas 2005

GTTE China © WWF
Since 2002, the Heilongjiang provincial government has established 24 new protected areas with a total area of 1.85 millions ha. Fact Sheet
JIm Leape, DIrector General de WWF International, Gland, Suiza, February 2011
© JIm Leape, DIrector General de WWF International, Gland, Suiza, February 2011 © WWF / www.ateliermamco.com

“The more than 100 globally significant conservation actions recognised by WWF as Gifts to the Earth represent huge achievement. As important, they highlight the goodwill and readiness of the international community to take up the environmental challenge and make lasting conservation commitments. This simple idea has inspired conservation actions on a scale WWF could not have predicted, and give hope that together we can leave our children a living planet”. Former WWF International Director General, Jim Leape

Nelson Mandela
© Nelson Mandela © © Jean du Plessis / WWF

You want to discover the first 100 Gift to the Earth delivered? Have a look at our Brochure here!