Pope Francis calls for action on climate change
Posted on November, 12 2015
The papal encyclical linking poverty, overconsumption and environmental destruction provides an unprecedented
moral call to the world to act on behalf of future generations to prevent growing inequality and catastrophic climate change.
The papal encyclical linking poverty, overconsumption and environmental destruction provides an unprecedented moral call to the world to act on behalf of future generations to prevent growing inequality and catastrophic climate change. Titled “Laudato Sii”, or “Praise be: On the care of our common home,” the encyclical is a letter from Pope Francis to the 5,000 Catholic bishops and the 1,2 billion Catholics worldwide. The Pope will address the end of year climate summit in Paris which aims to agree a strong deal to address climate change. WWF International President Yolanda Kakabadse said Pope Francis’ message adds a much needed moral approach to the climate debate, which is increasingly a moral and ethical issue.