EBRD commits to step out of coal

Posted on May, 08 2014

WWF welcomed the decision by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to phase out funding of coal-fired power stations, but noted this must be implemented effectively. 
WWF welcomed the decision by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to phase out funding of coal-fired power stations, but noted this must be implemented effectively. The EBRD decision, announced in November, is the latest in an unprecedented wave of commitments from international development finance organisations to move away from coal-based energy projects, given their disastrous impacts on climate and health, WWF also welcomed the EBRD’s other improvements in energy policy including energy saving and adherence to the International Hydropower Association’s sustainability guidelines. WWF called on other development finance organisations to follow the EBRD lead.
Cooling towers letting out steam and smoke at a coal-fired power station near Pontefract in Yorkshire, UK.
© Edward Parker / WWF