WWF reaction to new dates for next round of UN biodiversity talks

Posted on December, 22 2021

Commenting on the announcement that the next round of UN biodiversity negotiations is now scheduled for 13-29 March 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland, Guido Broekhoven, Head of Policy Research and Development at WWF International, said:

“The announcement of new dates for the next round of UN biodiversity talks is welcome, and importantly provides a clear timeline following news of their postponement earlier in December due to uncertainties surrounding the new omicron variant.

“WWF expects a new date for COP15 to be announced shortly and urges governments to use any extra time well to ensure a strong, nature-positive global biodiversity agreement arrives in Kunming for adoption. COVID-19 has already delayed the negotiation of the agreement by more than a year and a half. With nature loss continuing unabated, this should be a reason for increased urgency in delivering an ambitious outcome, rather than an excuse for leaving key elements of an effective treaty on the negotiation room floor.

“Leaders must remember that science is clear that human activities are driving a catastrophic loss of biodiversity, and it is our destruction of nature that is increasing our vulnerability to pandemics.  At the same time, reversing biodiversity loss is essential to limiting global warming to 1.5°C and to securing a resilient global economy for future generations. 2022 must be the year that a global action plan is adopted to set nature in recovery.”