WWF statement on CITES' decisions on illegal trade of jaguar parts and derivatives

Posted on August, 26 2019

As increasing evidence from recent years points towards a rise in the illegal trade of jaguar parts and derivatives, WWF welcomes the decisions and the much-needed study to better understand the threat posed to this species by illegal trafficking
In response to the CITES committee decision on Document 77.1 addressing the illegal trade of jaguar parts and derivatives and calling for a detailed study to better understand the extend of the crisis of illegal trade in jaguar parts, WWF issued a statement from Heather Sohl, Tiger Trade Leader for WWF:
"The increasing evidence from recent years pointing towards a rise in the illegal trade of jaguar parts and derivatives coming from Latin America to supply regional and international markets is alarming and could lead to a decline in population and local extinctions.
"WWF welcomes the decision from the Parties and the much-needed study to better understand the threat posed to this species by illegal trafficking, especially given increasing evidence of links between the demand and trade in Asian big cats and an escalation of illegal trade in jaguar."
Jaguar, Brazil
© Staffan Widstrand / WWF Regional