WWF invites public, partners to join consultation on social policies and safeguards framework

Posted on May, 13 2021

The consultation aims to raise awareness of WWF’s revised social policies, including a draft human rights statement, and Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework (ESSF), and seek feedback on their scope and effectiveness.
Gland, 12 May 2021 – WWF announced today the launch of a public consultation on its revised social policies and environmental and social safeguards.

Accessible through an online portal on panda.org, the consultation aims to raise awareness of WWF’s revised social policies, including a draft human rights statement, and Environmental and Social Safeguards Framework (ESSF), and seek feedback on their scope and effectiveness. In addition to the online portal that will run for six weeks, and subject to COVID-19 conditions, some WWF teams will hold local stakeholder dialogues or workshops. Feedback from all contributors will be reviewed carefully with an update to be provided on the process over the course of the year.

The public consultation is an integral part of WWF’s ongoing efforts to engage in meaningful dialogue and continually strengthen how it delivers conservation impact for people and nature. This was reiterated in WWF’s management response published in November last year to address the recommendations made by the Independent Panel.

In inviting contributions from all members of the public, WWF hopes the public consultation will provide valuable insights on the steps it is taking to help safeguard communities and the nature upon which they – and we all - depend.