WWF responds to IEA Renewables 2023 report

Posted on January, 11 2024

Growing renewables must replace fossil fuels far quicker to curb climate crisis, warns WWF
Gland, Switzerland (11 January): WWF responds to the IEA’s annual market report on renewables - Renewables 2023 - which shows that cleaner sources of energy are being rolled out faster than any other time in recent decades. The world added 50% more renewable capacity in 2023 than it did in the previous year, with solar PV accounting for three-quarters of additions worldwide. However, the world is not yet on track to triple renewable capacity by 2030, which was agreed at COP28.

Dean Cooper, WWF Global Energy Lead, said: “Renewable energy generation is increasing fast but not fast enough. We will not avert climate catastrophe while fossil fuels continue to be burned. We must phase out coal, oil and gas and replace them with cleaner and cheaper renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar.”

“Countries agreeing to ‘transition away from fossil fuels’ and to triple renewable energy generation at the UN COP28 climate talks was significant. Those who want to see a livable planet should increase pressure on their government to convert words into action by demanding they urgently transform their energy systems. That means no delays and no loopholes. It must involve the full phase out of all fossil fuels and a move to 100% renewable energy.” 

“Dangerous distractions, such as large-scale carbon capture utilization and storage and so-called ‘transitional fuels’, are no replacement for the massive scaling-up of proven and affordable renewable energy technology. The sooner and more decisively we act, the sooner people and nature can reap the benefits of a cleaner, safer and more stable future, including cost savings, new jobs, cleaner air, and the recovery of nature.”





The IEA report Renewables 2023 is available to download here

The report will be launched at an event at 10:00 - 10:40 CET on 11 January with IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol - you can watch the livestream here

Renewables 2023 is the IEA’s primary analysis on the sector, based on current policies and market developments. It forecasts the deployment of renewable energy technologies in electricity, transport and heat to 2028 while also exploring key challenges to the industry and identifying barriers to faster growth. Renewables 2023 provides detailed country-level analysis on the progress towards the global tripling target agreed at COP28.