COP28: WWF responds to ‘bloated’ updated Global Stocktake draft text

Posted on December, 05 2023

Shirley Matheson, WWF Global NDC Enhancement Coordinator, said: “A strong Global Stocktake decision is crucial from COP28. Governments must face up to the consequences of their collective inaction, and commit to strengthen climate ambition and action in line with limiting global warming to 1.5oC. The new Global Stocktake draft text is bloated. It has all options – good and bad – still on the table. 

“Good language on phasing out fossil fuels is included as an option, and new text options have been added that call for stronger ambition in the national climate plans, and a new collective goal for 60% emissions cuts by 2035. These signals are essential to create the conditions for more ambitious commitments and more international cooperation to achieve them. The draft also contains an option that recognises that nature is a vital climate ally, although an overall conservation target is still missing. 

“Time is running out for negotiators to agree on a draft text with clear political options for ministers later in the week. Countries must work together to achieve science-aligned guidance and ways forward for a dramatic course correction of climate action. This will give us the best chance of securing a liveable planet.”


Notes to editors:
For interviews contact: 

WWF International’s media team 

New Global Stocktake draft text is available here

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