Water Stewardship Refreshed

Posted on August, 22 2023

Report outlines the new vision and direction for WWF's water stewardship work
Reflecting on past activity, current trends, and future direction is something that we all do from time to time. Over the past two decades, WWF has continued to drive forward its efforts to engage businesses in transforming not only how they use water, are affected by water, but also their very role in freshwater ecosystems.

As we approach some fifteen years into our journey of water stewardship at WWF, it was not only time to engage in another five-year review, but also to clearly outline to companies and peers where we are heading.
This report reflects an effort to refresh our thinking - to face up to the facts that we need to do better - as an organisation, but also as a community. We need to act with speed, at scale and deliver tangible impact - and there is simply not enough of us to make that happen. We need to grow this community (plus connect with other communities working on other topics) and work less as individuals or even as a “herd” or “pack” and more as an ecosystem.
As we look to the years ahead, WWF is eager to continue to forge a pathway for ourselves, our peers, and our partners to deliver what nature needs by radically scaling investments in basins. Freshwater ecosystems, which form the basis for all life on our planet, demand no less.
Scaling up Water Stewardship: WWF's Refreshed Water Stewardship vision
Healthy river basins are critical for people, business and nature
© Matevž Lenarčič