World leaders commit to reverse the loss of nature by 2030

Posted on September, 28 2020

This 28 September 2020, more than 65 heads of state and government from around the world will take decisive action for nature within the framework of the UN Decade of Action for Sustainable Development.
At the end of this commitment, they will together formulate commitments to reverse the loss of biodiversity by 2030 for sustainable development. Moreover, most of the speeches made by the Heads of State during this session highlighted the importance of the environment for sustainable development. The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, stated in his opening speech: "To be truly sustainable, the new social contract must ensure the transition to renewable energies and thus achieve the goal of zero net emissions by 2050. I call on all countries to consider including six climate-friendly measures in their efforts to save and rebuild their economies ... including acting together and leaving no one behind. We need a new global pact at the international level!”

This event of leaders for nature and people, on which the content is available here, is being launched today as a direct response to the need for urgent global action to address the challenges that link biodiversity, climate and our health. Since 2018, a series of scientific reports have drawn the world's attention to the biodiversity crisis and the global decline of nature. The IPBES report (2019) reported that about one million species will become extinct in the coming decades if nothing is done to address the causes of biodiversity loss and that 85% of the world's wetlands are already destroyed.  WWF's Living Planet 2020 report, which you can download here, published in early September, revealed a 68% decline in vertebrate populations worldwide since 1970.

"The loss of nature and biodiversity is so severe that it poses serious risks to our health, economy and livelihoods. Pandemics, forest fires, wildlife decline and climate change are all symptoms of our dangerously unbalanced relationship with the natural world. We can no longer ignore this and must act decisively," said Marco Lambertini, WWF Director General.

For Madagascar in particular, "we will have to invest in securing and sustaining our protected areas and make natural capital the cornerstone of Madagascar's development," says Tiana Ramahaleo from WWF. "It is necessary to put an immediate end to the trafficking of natural resources through law enforcement, to implement the strategy for the supply of wood energy and to sustainably and equitably manage the coastal and marine resources of our country. Madagascar should be in the front line in this new deal! " concludes Tiana Ramahaleo.