WWF Forest Practice policy expectations for UNFCCC COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh

Posted on October, 03 2022

The 2022 UN climate change conference, COP27, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, is an opportunity to shift attention from high-level climate commitments to action, particularly at landscape and jurisdictional scales.
COP27 takes place amidst a backdrop of economic instability, food insecurity, energy crises, and natural disasters, all exacerbated by climate change and the destruction of nature. Deforestation is rising at alarming rates with devastating impacts globally,1 from fires to floods. 

States, alongside nonstate actors, need to pivot to implementation—following through on climate finance commitments; building and strengthening multi-stakeholder partnerships; and undertaking community-led, high-impact, and high-quality nature-based solutions (NbS) to protect, manage, and restore forests and other ecosystems.