WWF responds to Canada’s commitment of CDN$1 billion to overseas nature-based solutions

Posted on November, 06 2021

Reacting to the announcement of the Canadian government today at COP26 in Glasgow to commit CDN$1 billion to overseas nature-based solutions to help address climate mitigation and adaptation, Marco Lambertini, Director General at WWF International, said:

"We welcome Canada’s leadership with the announcements made today by Minister Guilbeault at Glasgow Climate COP26 to allocate CDN$1billion of overseas public climate funding to nature – at least 20% of the total funds allocated.

“Nature-based solutions represent up to 30% of the mitigation action needed to tackle climate change while having a key impact on job creation, people’s climate resilience, and the protection of biodiversity. They are also essential to reverse nature loss and secure a nature positive world.

“We must recognize that current climate finance is wholly insufficient to ensure meeting the goals of the Paris accord, so we urge Canada and all countries to announce new and additional public finance commitments for Nature-based Solutions, renewable energy and energy efficiency at the scale needed.’

‘The new funds will also be an essential contribution to the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework 10 year action plan for nature to be agreed in Kunming next May. They will help secure a more equitable, nature positive, net zero emissions world.”


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