Natura 2000 honey action to better protect pollinators in Europe

Posted on September, 08 2016

Today WWF distributed organic honey to Commissioners and DGs Agriculture and Environment to remind that nature, agriculture and economy can work hand in hand.
Today WWF distributed organic honey to Commissioners and Directorate-Generals for Agriculture and Environment to remind that nature, agriculture and economy can work hand in hand and benefit our health and wellbeing. The honey comes from the Natura 2000 area Kopački Rit in Croatia.
This autumn the European Commission will propose additional measures to better protect nature in Europe and halt the loss of biodiversity by 2020 (EU 2020 Biodiversity Targets).

Nature is vital for life. It gives us food, clean air and fresh water - all for free! Despite much progress, many of Europe’s habitats and species – including bees - are still under threat. Unsustainable farming and industrial development are putting nature and our society’s wellbeing and prosperity at risk. 

  WWF is currently campaigning (#NatureAlert) to save Europe's nature and the laws that defend it and is asking the European Commission to: 
  • Ensure that the EU Birds and Habitats Directives are not revised, and that they are fully and effectively implemented;
  • Adopt an EU Initiative on Pollinators to protect these animals and the services they provide for biodiversity, food production and human livelihood;
  • Run a Fitness Check of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to tackle key problems of the current EU agro-food system and help us move to a more sustainable agricultural production;
  • Adopt an integrated EU approach to managing nitrogen to address the damage done by nitrogen pollution on biodiversity, climate and human health;
  • Present a trans-European Green Infrastructure (TEN-G) Initiative by 2017: this will help increase ecosystem restoration and the use of nature-based solutions to face environmental pressures such as climate change.
WWF EPO Director Geneviève Pons gives a gift of nature to Phil Hogan, the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural development
© Tycho Vandermaesen
WWF Director of Natural Resources Andreas Baumüller gives a gift of nature to Micheal O'Briain, a deputy head of unit on nature/Natura 2000 in DG Environment
© Karmen Spiljak
Organic honey from Kopacki Rit Croatia, a Natura 2000 area
© Karmen Spiljak