Linking rapid erosion of the Mekong River delta to human activities
Posted on February, 19 2016
Mekong river delta is the third largest delta of the planet concentrating the world’s biological diversity. This delta is the nation’s largest producer of food, providing means of livelihood to millions of people.
Mekong river delta is the third largest delta of the planet concentrating the world’s biological diversity. This delta is the nation’s largest producer of food, providing means of livelihood to millions of people.However, man and nature in this region are being impacted by possible unrecoverable after-effects caused by human activities such as construction of hydroelectric dams on mainstreams and illegal sand exploitation. Authors of a research, including Edward J. Anthony, Guillaume Brunier, Manon Besset, Marc Goichot, Philippe Dussouillez and Nguyễn Văn Lập have found a connection between vast coastal erosion in Mekong River Delta with the construction of hydroelectric dams on Mekong mainstream and uncontrolled sand exploitation in the region.