WWF statement on COP21 Draft Final Agreement

Posted on December, 12 2015

EU must now build on the Paris foundations and do its homework
WWF’s head of delegation Tasneem Essop issued the following statement at the UN climate talks in reaction to the latest negotiating text:
““By including a long-term temperature goal of well below 2C of warming with a reference to a 1.5C goal, the latest draft text sends a strong signal that governments are committed to being in line with science. What we need now is for their actions, including emission reductions and finance, to add up to delivering on that goal. There are opportunities to do so built in the agreement – such as the facilitative dialogue in 2018 – that should be used to update current country pledges, and then further opportunities after 2020. Finance and emissions reductions pledges will need to be enhanced in a fair manner before 2020 to stand any chance of achieving the long term goal.
“A big concern is that there’s no guarantee of assistance for those who will suffer from immediate climate impacts, especially the poor and the vulnerable.
“The agreement does contain elements that create the opportunity to make governments actions stronger and stronger over time, in terms of mitigation, adaptation and finance. This is critical.”
Reacting to the release today of the draft final Paris agreement, Geneviève Pons Deladrière, Director of WWF European Policy Office, said:

“The European Union and its member states worked hard to speak with one voice and build coalitions with vulnerable developing countries and the European Union did well to support 5 yearly and transparent review cycles for emission reductions. However, it failed to show to the world it's willing to do more at home and go beyond its current greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.

Next year, the EU and its member states must build on the Paris foundations in order to get Europe on a 100% renewable energy pathway, as critical components of the 2030 EU climate and energy package will be taken forward.”

Further information:

Audrey Gueudet
Senior Communication & Media Officer
WWF European Policy Office
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