Progress on Mai-Ndombe Emissions Reduction Programme

Posted on April, 14 2015

Inception workshop kicks off next phase of emissions reductions programme work in DRC
In February, stakeholders, including members of government, civil society and indigenous groups, signed a memorandum of understanding showing support for a transparent and participatory collaboration on the emissions reduction programme design process for the Mai-Ndombe province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Most aspects of the design of the Mai-Ndombe Emissions Reduction Programme, covering 12.3 million hectares in high deforestation forests north of Kinshasa, are due to be completed in July and will be one of the first emissions reduction programmes in the world to reach implementation stage. This inception workshop brought together more than 200 participants from Kinshasa, Bandundu City, Plateaux and Mai-Ndombe districts, and from outside the country.
Last year, the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility gave funding to the government of DRC to cover REDD+ programme design over a 12-month period starting July 2014 based on the approved emissions reductions programme idea note (ERPIN). A preliminary road map has been prepared, and this workshop was a stepping stone in the process that is being led by CNREDD with the participation of the National Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, the provincial governor, provincial ministers, the private sector, and community and civil society representatives.
The inception workshop was an important opportunity for provincial stakeholders to better understand the emissions reductions programme document (ERPD) preparation process required for the signing of an emission reduction purchase agreement (ERPA) with the Carbon Fund – FCPF. The ER-PD is planned to be presented to the Carbon Fund at its meeting in spring 2016.
Representatives for indigenous peoples and local communities from Plateaux District (Bolobo, Yumbi, Mushi, Kwamouth) and Mai-Ndombe (Inongo Kutu, Kiri, Oshwe) played a central part in this meeting. For many of the communities’ representatives, this workshop was the first of its scale where they could freely share their experiences with other stakeholders, such as the administrative and political authorities.
Lilanga Ekonda Jean, an indigenous person and the delegate from the Inongo territory, took the opportunity to discuss some of the challenges related to the forest and land expropriation and intensive timber activities in his community. He was pleased to participate in this meeting and noted, “I’m happy because we can now follow what is currently being done in our land, not as spectators but as stakeholders and key actors in the process.”
WWF is one of the lead partners responsible for designing REDD+ interventions on the ground as well as providing support on technical issues such as safeguarding the rights of local communities and ensuring their participation; and promoting benefit sharing.
Bruno Perodeau, conservation director for WWF-DRC, also presented on the Forest Investment Programme’s funding allocation to support enabling conditions for implementation of the ER-Programme in the REDD+ Sub-Project in the Plateaux District (known as PIREDD Plateaux). Perodeau explained how these funds will facilitate the changes in practices and land management that will lead to the emissions reductions registered (and later paid for) under the Carbon Fund. WWF has developed a technical and financial proposal of the PIREDD. This will support the design of a conservation investment plan aligning with green economic development.
At the conclusion of the workshop, Perodeau reflected on the work happening in the region: “WWF-DRC is proud of the work we have done in Mai-Ndombe to build up the capacities needed to deliver REDD+ and in creating the first large-scale REDD+ and green development pilot programme in the Congo Basin, in an area with incredibly high biodiversity and tremendous risks of deforestation. It is an exciting time for REDD+ in DRC.”

Reporting by Jolly Sassa-Kiuka and Flory Botamba, WWF-DRC
This project is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.
The inception workshop was an important opportunity for provincial stakeholders to better understand the emissions reductions programme document
© Courtesy WWF-DRC