India to take a lead on renewable energy

Posted on November, 28 2014

India has announced major new commitments on renewable energy, including the world’s largest solar power programme, which will also reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
India has announced major new commitments on renewable energy, including the world’s largest solar power programme, which will also reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Ahead of the Peru climate summit in November, India committed to double the share of renewable energy from 6 to 15 per cent of its electricity mix by 2020, gain USD$100 billion investments in renewable energy projects, and aims to establish the world’s largest solar programme with 100GW capacity. WWF applauds these commitments as they set an example for other developing countries - leading the way to advance economic growth while reducing both dependence on fossil fuels and global CO2 emissions, and on a local scale prevent further deforestation - positioning India as a leader in low carbon development.

Original article posted on: 28.11.14         Updated: 16.03.15
Without a long-term firm EU target, the draft plan would seriously undermine investor confidence and so slow the growth in renewable energy's market share.
© WWF / Adam Oswell

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