Road plans threaten Cambodia tiger reintroduction

Posted on February, 11 2015

WWF has called for the cancellation of a planned road that would cut through 36km of Cambodia’s Mondulkiri Protected Forest.
WWF has called for the cancellation of a planned road that would cut through 36km of Cambodia’s Mondulkiri Protected Forest. The forest is the proposed site for reintroduction of tigers, which would strengthen tiger conservation efforts and have major potential for tourism and long-term revenue to local communities and the provincial government. The proposed road would not improve access to existing villages, would also degrade tiger habitat and allow poachers access into parts of the forest previously inaccessible. Mondulkiri Protected Forest protects some of Southeast Asia’s most threatened species including the giant Ibis, the national bird of Cambodia, as well as the Asian elephant, banteng, and leopard.

Original article posted on: 11.02.15        Updated: 05.03.15
Road through the dry forest ecoregion in Cambodia.
© Nick Cox / WWF Greater Mekong Programme

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