Assessment Report: Comparative Analysis of Benefit-Sharing Mechanisms in REDD+ Programs

Posted on February, 03 2021

Because most BSMs are at an early stage, lessons on implementation are scarce, but understanding of opportunities and challenges will evolve as more results-based transactions take place.
This report was developed to shed some light on factors that shape and condition benefit-sharing mechanisms (BSMs) associated with programs to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). To do so, the consultancy Natural Strategies gathered information from a literature review and interviews conducted with donors, governments, experts, NGOs, and community representatives. The analysis identified a number of key thematic areas and elements in the design and implementation of REDD+ BSMs that are believed to determine much of the success or failure of BSMs and have proven critical for BSMs’ effectiveness, efficiency, and equity in practice.
Because most BSMs are at an early stage, lessons on implementation are scarce, but understanding of opportunities and challenges will evolve as more results-based transactions take place. By considering early lessons in BSM design and implementation while investing sufficient time and resources to tailor each BSM to the local context, actors can maximize chances to develop effective, efficient, and equitable BSMs that facilitate the success of the underlying REDD+ initiatives while more broadly contributing to low-carbon and climate-resilient development pathways.
Download the full report via the link to the right.
Assessment Report: Comparative Analysis of Benefit-Sharing Mechanisms in REDD+ Programs cover page
Assessment Report: Comparative Analysis of Benefit-Sharing Mechanisms in REDD+ Programs
© WWF Forest and Climate