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Water Summit
Water risk and opportunity
This year’s summit will highlight the need for financial institutions to adopt a new approach to water – one that incorporates a stronger approach to risk management while also supporting enhanced opportunities to mobilize debt and equity to invest and profit from the need for more resilient societies and economies.
OVERVIEW: WATER SUMMIT 2019With water stress increasing, the summit will show investors and corporate leaders how investing in climate and water smart opportunities can waterproof their businesses and assets, contribute to climate resilience, enhance the health of freshwater ecosystems, and boost progress towards achieving SDG6 – a target many of the world’s leading companies have signed up to.
AgendaAround 30 global leading speakers from public and private financial institutions as well as mutlinational corporations will provide their insights on water, business, finance and climate change.
Water Summit 2019: SpeakersAttendance at this year’s highly anticipated event is limited to 200 delegates. Registrations will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.
Register here now!