The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
Whether it's getting to work, going on vacation, or just doing the grocery shopping, how you move about – and what you do at your destination – can have a big impact on the planet.
Do you really need to go?
Travelling by any form of transport that uses fossil fuels for energy contributes to climate change. So the best best solution is to avoid such travel where ever possible.- Instead of popping out every day in the car to run an errand, could you wait and do several errands all at once?
- Could your business meeting could be replaced by talking over the phone or using video conferencing?
- Could you take your vacation closer to home?

Plane landing.
- Aviation accounts for 4-9% of the climate change impact of human activity.
Choose the best transport option
Of course, travel can't always be avoided. Consider your options and choose the most environmentally friendly form of transport you can.- Try to drive less. Could you walk or cycle instead of driving, or use public transport? If you do have to drive, what about car pooling or joining a car-share scheme?
- Try to avoid plane trips, especially short haul (< 500 km) flights. Taking the train may even be less of a hassle! If air travel is unavoidable, choose airlines with higher occupancy rates and more efficient aircraft.
Offset your CO2 emissions
You can compensate for the greenhouse gas emissions from your travels by buying "carbon offsets".- Choose a Gold Standard carbon credit to be sure you invest in renewable energy projects that truly offset the greenhouse gas emissions from your trip. ClimateFriendly, for example, allows you to offset all your carbon emissions and also supports WWF's climate change program.
The WWF Travel Helper helps you make an informed choice about the best way to travel as well as offset the environmental cost of the journey (Europe only).
Be a good guest
The money you spend while away helps determine the development and direction of tourism, accommodation and facilities.- Choose "green" hotels, tour operators and suppliers that support sustainable development, do not impact negatively on the environment, and provide financial support to local communities.
- Avoid damaging recreational activities. Avoid sports which have a significant harmful impact on the environment, or choose more progressive establishments (e.g. golf courses which recycle water).
- Watch what you buy for a souvenir! Think twice before you buy any products made from any endangered species, including animal hides and body parts, tortoise-shell, ivory, or coral - they could be illegal.

© The One Planet LIfestyle guidebook © WWF / One Planet Living
- One Planet Lifestyle E-book (pdf)
- One Planet Lifestyle E-book (light version: pdf)
- WWF's One Planet Living programme