WWF working together to deliver a biofuels policy for Zimbabwe

Posted on mayo, 21 2015

WWF Zimbabwe is supporting the Ministry of Energy and Power Development to develop a comprehensive National Biofuels Policy. The use of bio-fuels can reduce the country’s dependence on imported petroleum products; stabilize fuel prices; ensure fuel security; promote rural development and investment; reduce poverty and create employment.

At the end of March 2015 an official launch of the policy development process was held at WWF. This event ensured the Ministry of Energy and Power Developments commitment to this proces and was officiated by the Deputy Minister Hon. Cde Tsitsi Muzenda. An enabling national biofuels framework has been developed that embraces the following pillars: environmental; social and institutional; economic and agriculture. WWF will be working with a team of consultants that will be supported by four stakeholder forums around each of these pillars. Given the importance of biofuels in the energy, environment and social matrix, a bio-fuel policy and strategies that facilitate competitive, socially just and environmentally sustainable bio-fuel investments is of paramount importance.

The delivery of a comprehensive national biofuels policy is one of the activities under the European Commission funded “Sustainable Biofuels Policies and Practices for socio-economic development project,” where WWF is the lead organization. Over and above the policy, the project is also expected to deliver on the community and research objectives in partnership with Environment Africa, Department of Research and Specialist Services as well as the University of Zimbabwe.  
Ministry of Energy opening the policy process in Zimbabwe
© WWF Zimbabwe
Audience at the biofuels policy launch
© WWF Zimbabwe