Lending Mali a helping hand

Posted on febrero, 24 2015

Uprising Beach Resort is lending a helping hand to Mali islanders on Vanua Levu with the launch of their Earth Hour fundraising drive to allow islanders constant access to drinking water.
Uprising Beach Resort is lending a helping hand to Mali islanders on Vanua Levu with the launch of their Earth Hour fundraising drive to allow islanders constant access to drinking water.

Using the Earth Hour crowdfunding platform focusing on the theme Changing Climate Change, the resort has set the pace for other corporate bodies in Fiji to assist communities on the frontline of climate change to adapt.

On Mali island, water is a scarce resource and emergency supplies are carted from Vanua Levu during extended dry spells.

Money raised by various corporate bodies as part of Earth Hour campaign will be used to purchase water tanks and improve current water supply to build islanders resilience to climate change.

Uprising Resort general manager, Mr James Pridgeon also handed over $2,000 to WWF-Pacific. This was a percentage of ticket sales proceeds from a Festival of Music held at the resort last year.

 “Water is a basic right, everyone must have access. It is important corporate organisations mobilise the power of fundraising to help communities on the frontline of climate change,” he said.

“We may be far away from this community that we are helping but it is important we reach out and encourage others within our community do the same.

 “We are committed to the betterment of Fiji as a whole, there are communities that don’t enjoy the same infrastructures that we do and it’s our responsibility to also come up with solutions that can assist.”
WWF-Pacific Communications Manager Mary Rokonadravu said Earth Hour is about partnerships.

“WWF-Pacific cannot do this alone so we are partnering with others to bring about solutions where we are, although we continue to be part of the global community to galvanise action for change concerning climate change,” Rokonadravu said.

Earth Hour is celebrated on March 28 from 8.30pm-9.30pm.

Uprising Beach Resort general manager James Pridgeon handing over $2,000 to WWF-Pacific Communications Manager Mary Rokonadravu to support Earth Hour Campaign
© WWF-Pacific

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