Archive Content

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  • Maintain the Junquillal beaches in adequate conditions for nesting and hatching of the Leatherback, Green and Olive Ridley marine turtles, organized by the local community.
  • Protect marine turtles against poaching and illegal egg collection, as well as monitoring the nesting activities of the females through night patrols at the beaches.
  • Improve the conservation efforts, increasing environmental awareness on the urgency to protect these species. The implementation of a Community Livelihood Improvement Program (CLIP) to connect the conservation of marine turtles and the community wellbeing, will improve the conservation efforts towards marine turtles.
  • Promote the development of productive activities related turtles as an alternative income for the local community.
  • Design and implement adaptation measures towards different climate change scenarios that may benefit marine turtles and local communities.
Marine turtles hatchery in Junquillal, Costa Rica. 
© Carlos Drews
Marine turtles hatchery in Junquillal, Costa Rica.
© Carlos Drews