Camera traps, hidden in some of the world's remote and inaccessible locations, are activated by infrared sensor when body heat or movement from an animal is detected. Day and night these cameras provide a glimpse into a previously unseen world of some of the most endangered species on Earth.

Based on the photos and video taken, WWF is able to uncover invaluable information about rare species and their habitat, which we can use to ensure that they are effectively protected. Watch this video to understand how camera traps aid conservation.


See camera trap photos from around the world: Argentina | Australia | Brazil | Cambodia | China | Ecuador | Indonesia | Malaysia | Nepal | Peru | Russia | South Africa | Thailand | United Arab Emirates | Vietnam
Latest snaps
The Asiatic Black Bear has a coat of smooth black fur and can be distinguished by a V of white fur on its chest.

31 Jul 2014

Conservation efforts in Vietnam are proving successful after a rare Asiatic black bear was recently recorded by WWF camera traps 

Caught on camera
Our camera traps in Java, Sumatra, and Southwest Australia have captured some incredible footage of tigers, rhinos and a long-tailed dunnart. This video helps us to better understand the behaviour of the species and often it can clearly illustrate the threats that many of them face.

These videos capture:

3 Sumatran tiger cubs playing in an area under immiment thret of being cleared.

A long tailed dunnart in Australia sharing the same location as a feral fox.

A forest being cleared for palm oil plantation just days after capturing footage of a Sumatran tiger in the exact same location.

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WWF's work to protect species
Since 1961, WWF has worked in more than 100 countries to address the major challenges that continue to threaten many species, such as: habitat destruction and fragmentation, hunting and the illegal wildlife trade, and climate change.

Learn more about WWF's species conservation work and how you can help to create a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

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