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Climate change poses serious threats to many coastal and marine systems, including those being managed as protected areas. Yet people responsible for the management of coastal and marine protected areas (CMPAs) do not have to wait and see their sites deteriorate, but can take active steps to minimise the detrimental impacts of climate change. Because many coastal areas are heavily settled by human communities, such actions need to be taken in close cooperation with people living inside or near to the CMPA, which often include fishing communities and tourism operators.

The following manual describes an approach – Climate Adaptation Methodology for Protected Areas (CAMPA) – for developing climate adaptation measures in CMPAs. It combines ecosystem and community-based approaches to adaptation and uses a participatory approach that aims to build consensus amongst stakeholders on the actions necessary to address the current and potential impacts of climate change.

The methodology is described in detail and three case studies summarise lessons learned from its field-testing in six CMPAs in Colombia, Madagascar and the Philippines. It utilises a series of worksheets to simplify the process of completion and can be applied either in a detailed, data-driven process that will take some time or a shorter, quicker but less rigorous assessment to help make basic decisions about management.

Case studies describe application of CAMPA in the Gorgona and Sanquianga National Protected Areas in Colombia; Nosy Hara and  Ambodivahibe Marine Protected Areas in northern Madagascar and two small protected areas in the Island Garden City of Samal in the Philippines.
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© Alexander Belokurov /
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© Alexander Belokurov /