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200 of WWF's on the ground projects are now available on Google Earth, the satellite imagery-based mapping tool.
You can zoom in on a sample of WWF projects and gain a better understanding of just how big the conservation challenge is and some of the things WWF is doing to address it.

To find WWF on Google Earth, you must first download the Google Earth application from

Once this has been done, you can find WWF under Layers > Global Awareness > WWF Conservation Projects

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Once you have Google Earth you can also download more information to view from WWF. Just click on the links below and and you will be prompted to open them in the Google Earth application.
A WWF project in Croatia highlighted on Google Earth. 
© Google Earth
A WWF project on Google Earth
© Google Earth

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Download Google Earth and visit some of world's most threatened and biologically diverse places

Google Earth in action

WWF Director General, Jim Leape (R)and CARPO Representative, Laurent Somé (L) at the rescue of a leatherback turtle on the beaches of Campo Ma'an © WWF
Not long ago, after tending to official meetings in Yaounde, Cameroon, I had an opportunity to drive 7 hours southwest of the capital to one of WWF’s project sites - the Campo-Ma'an National Park - which you can now visit on Google Earth.

Created in 2000, the Campo-Ma’an park is a nature lover’s paradise with 80 species of mammals, including endangered elephants, gorillas and chimpanzees, as well as at least 302 species of birds, 122 species of reptiles, more than 80 species of amphibians, 249 species of fish and a high level of endemic plant life.  By opening Google Earth and selecting the new WWF layer under Featured Content, you too can visit this extraordinary place.

However, it is the local people who make this area so special.  The communities living near the park are keen to protect their natural resources but also desperate for economic development. WWF is working in partnership with them to promote community-based nature tourism as one solution.

Watch this and other spaces on Google Earth, where you will be able to learn about the geographic locations and details of over 150 WWF projects and connect with WWF’s global website.  Track Campo Ma’an’s progress.  It will take some time, but if we succeed, both the local communities and the park will benefit.

James Leape, Director General WWF International

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