Archive Content

Please note: This page has been archived and its content may no longer be up-to-date. This version of the page will remain live for reference purposes as we work to update the content across our website.

You don't have to be a conservationist to help save the Coral Triangle

Every-day decisions such as which food to buy, how to manage your waste, where to go for a holiday and how you travel can help you become an agent of change.

Check out the options below to get started.

Smiling Asian girl 
© mrcharly (Creative Commons)
Smiling Asian girl
© mrcharly (Creative Commons)

what you eat

Indulge in seafood that isn't on the brink of extinction, or that isn't caught using unsustainable practices. Check out the following seafood guides and do your bit to keep oceans and reefs healthy:
» Hong Kong Seafood Guide 
» Indonesia Seafood Guide 
» Malaysia Seafood Guide 
» Singapore Seafood Guide

Also check out these restaurants in Singapore and Hong Kong which have said no to serving shark fin soup.

where (and how) you travel

Donate a minimal amount when you book online with Cebu Pacific Air to support WWF' community-based climate adaptation project in Sablayan, Philippines.
» Find out more

Join a 5-day expedition with WWF-Philippines to visit some of the Philippine's prized World Heritage Sites, from Tubbataha Reef to the Puerto Princessa Underground River. 
» Find out more [PDF]

what you do with your garbage

Its not just seaweed and fish that are decorating the Coral Triangle's beaches and reefs. Increasingly, it's also plastic bags, torn sandals and other visible signs of human presence. The easiest thing you can do to protect reefs and wildlife from entanglement with garbage is to reduce your waste, and dispose of it responsibly. Turtles would thank you.

Find out about the harm garbage does

how you spend your free time

Join our conservation team as a volunteer and make a worthwhile contribution to saving the Coral Triangle. Share some of your time with WWF in the Philippines and in Malaysia.

how you do business

By becoming a WWF partner you can benefit from technical know-how that will enable you to improve the sustainability of your business. 
» Indonesia 
» Malaysia 
» Philippines 
» Singapore
What fish to eat? WWF presents a list of seafood guides from around the world. 
What fish to eat? WWF presents a list of seafood guides from around the world.

Live in Indonesia?

Join the WWF Marine Buddies community and get involved in a range of marine conservation activities.

Go to website ►

Support our work!

Join WWF and donate in:

Can't find what you're looking for?

Then drop us a line and we'll happily try to provide some additional suggestions for you to help us in our efforts to protect the Coral Triangle.